Specialist Herbal Education for Children

JHC has been designed to engage and educate children through play to learn about the healing and medicinal plants all around them in a safe and supervised environment, whilst covertly incorporating core subjects including English, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Botany, Latin and Cookery, as well as helping children to gain in confidence, improve fine motor control and develop a new skill set. In this curriculum, the children learn about the medicinal uses of plants and make something to take home (lavender bags, lip balms, bath bombs and much more!!) JHC has been planned so that the children build on their knowledge and skills as the tasks become more complex, and the learning more in depth. At the end of each session the children are given a worksheet to complete so they can develop a portfolio of learning.

Junior Herbalist Clubs meet once a month for two years with ten lesson being delivered each year. We also offer the option of delivering the JHC curriculum as 32-weekly sessions over the academic year either within schools or as an after-school club. 

Please do contact us if you are an interested parent or school for more information.

All sessions are run by a qualified Medical Herbalist or Registered Naturopath who has undergone the specific training in order to be able to deliver this course. All Registered JHC Leaders can be found here and also at: https://nimh.org.uk/jhc-course-leaders/